
6 days ago
6 days ago
6 days ago
After a long break since August 2024, The Modern Way is back!
The whole crew is in attendance for this return episode as we take a quick glance back at 2024 at the releases from The Black Series, The Vintage Collection and Lego. The team offer their opinions on the best and worst from each line, whilst Dan continues buy Lego not Lego from Teemu!
Stuart's head has been turned with the latest Retro Collection reveal, and opts all in on the line. Will the others agree that these nostalgic throwbacks deserve a spot in their collections?

Thursday Mar 13, 2025
Thursday Mar 13, 2025
Thursday Mar 13, 2025
Get ready for Andor Season 2 with an ‘insider pub chat’ look back at the first story arc of Season 1 (episodes 1-3) what we refer to as The Recruitment.
Generation Skywalker are once again joined by Baz Gingell the hugely talented graphic designer from Andor Season 1 & 2 (who also played Anto Kreegyr). The lads discuss everything from the story to the sets and much much more.
With Baz explaining all about the production process, this is as insightful as it gets!

Monday Mar 10, 2025
Monday Mar 10, 2025
Monday Mar 10, 2025
Hot off the heels of part 4 of Generation Skywalker’s Guide to Palitoy, we’re back with more Palitoy talk. In this episode Brian Hickey joins us to discuss his latest Kickstarter Project for a new book titled TOTAL STAR WARS TOYS: THE PALITOY SAGA.
Brian shares the scope of what the book will cover, what his approach to it has been it, as well as the challenges and his passion for the project.
He provides insights on research he has been conducting for this book, this includes in-depth interviews with numerous ex-Palitoy employees and collectors, a treasure of never before seen images given to him and the opportunities he has had to view and photograph rare Palitoy items for inclusion in the book- such as a prototype of the Palitoy Death Star
The Kickstarter campaign launched on the 28th February and funded in less than 24 hours, hitting its first stretch goal less than 2 days later. The campaign ends at 17:00 on the 30th March 2025 with several more stretch goals to unlock along the way.
Brian shares full details of the campaign including the remaining stretch goals, the various tiers backers can pledge at, what backers can expect the final book will look and feel like, and when they can expect to receive the final product.
If after listening you want to back the project and get involved, head to https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/brianthehick/total-star-wars-the-palitoy-saga?ref=nav_search&result=project&term=Total%20Star%20Wars%20toy&total_hits=1

Thursday Mar 06, 2025
Thursday Mar 06, 2025
Thursday Mar 06, 2025
Welcome to the fourth instalment of our series of Those Old Fossils Specials- Generation Skywalker’s Guide to Palitoy, in which we celebrate Palitoy and the Star Wars products they released between 1978 and 1985.
In this, the first of 2 new instalments of the Palitoy guide we move beyond 1985 to discuss the evolution of Palitoy collecting in the U.K.
From humble beginnings in the early 1990’s through to the current day, we discuss the events, the individuals, as well as the advancements in technology over the last 40 years that have led us to the hobby we know and love today.
Join Dan, Pete, Jon and Dave as we take another trip down memory lane and talk old school toy shows, the rise and fall of the forums, the publications we read, as well as the establishments collectors frequented over the years to get their Palitoy fix. We try to nail down when collectors started to document available card-backs and the range of Star Wars product Palitoy produced.
Dave shares what it was like organising the Palitoy Archive exhibition at Celebration Europe in 2007 and the impact it had on Palitoy collecting at the time. And we round the conversation out by talking the current state of Palitoy collecting.

Thursday Feb 27, 2025
Thursday Feb 27, 2025
Thursday Feb 27, 2025
Get ready for Andor Season 2 with our 1st of a 6 part special series on Andor! On this introductory episode the Generation Skywalker crew are joined by Barry Gingell, Graphic Designer from Andor Season 1 & 2 (AKA Anto Kreegyr from Season 1). This episode takes us back to when the Andor TV show was first announced and covers the sizzles and trailers which came after. Barry gives fascinating insights into what it feels like to be immersed in the galaxy far far away as part of the crew. Dan cover's some accolades and awards, and Peter looks into the musical score of Nicholas Britell. Jez sets a rather unique icebreaker at the beginning which reveals that Stu is a little bit scared of Syril Karn's mother 'Eedy' (aren't we all?) however he'd also like to go for a drink and possibly sing Karaoke with her. Laced with magical reminders of Season 1, this is the podcast you need in your life.

Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
If there’s a bright centre to universe, you’re at the event that is Farthest From.
In this episode we share our interviews with 3 very special guests. These were recorded in front of the live audience at the Farthest From 2024 Christmas Meal, again hosted the Generation Skywalker team.
The team are joined on stage by Brian Hickey, who discusses his work on the book My Palitoy Story, his Action Force books, as well as exclusively sharing some exciting news on an upcoming Star Wars project he is currently working on.
Christian Somma from GW Acrylic, who as well as talking acrylic, shares some rare insights about his own collection, including some amazing preproduction items.
And finally we interview Steve Evans, senior product design director at Hasbro. Steve talks to us about his role and gives us a peep behind curtain at Hasbro, including tales of working on the TFA Millennium Falcon with toy design legend Mark Boudreaux, making an AT-AT walk and takes questions from the audience.
If you couldn’t make Farthest From in person, this is the next best thing. We hope to see you all at the next one.

Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
The Lost Episode of one of our Committee shows, recorded in August 2023, this was one of the last shows we recorded with Craig, Craig loved a Committee show, often offering the most abstract nominations and votes, and of course on this show it's no different.
The team get together to discuss the best cameos in Star Wars, before counting down their official top ten.
Join us for the fun and debate of another Committee.
Enjoy the Show!

Friday Jan 10, 2025
Friday Jan 10, 2025
Friday Jan 10, 2025
In this long-overdue episode, we're catching up on everything we've been up to in the Galaxy far, far away over the past year. 2024 was a tough year, while the podcast took a backseat, the Star Wars adventures were limited. Join us as we share what we've been doing, the fandom moments that shaped our year, and why it took us so long to dust off the mics.
From epic events like the unforgettable Farthest From to personal milestones in the Star Wars Universe, this is our chance to reconnect and reawaken the Force within our podcast. Whether you've been patiently waiting for our return or are tuning in for the first time, this is the perfect place to catch up on our journey and the state of Star Wars in 2024.
It's good to be back.
Let's talk Star Wars!

Monday Aug 26, 2024
Monday Aug 26, 2024
Monday Aug 26, 2024
The Modern Way returns after a long break as Stuart, Dan, Jez and Peter discuss all that has been happening in the world of Modern Collecting over several months whilst they've been away.
From Black Series and The Vintage Collection to Haslab and Epic Hero Series, the team settle in to discuss what they've missed. As well as discussing the most beautiful Leia Tiki which all the team have acquired.
Stuart shares his love of Conquerors Challenges and their new Star Wars challenges, pretty sure by the end of it we've reeled in Jez.
Plenty of modern discussion as the team gets back into their groove.
Enjoy the show!

Sunday Jun 23, 2024
Sunday Jun 23, 2024
Sunday Jun 23, 2024
Those Old Fossils Episode 22 Vintage Star Wars collecting podcast is now live. Picking up the Pieces!
Massive thanks to Lee Bullock and Mark Daniels for joining Jez, Dan and Peter with hosting duties for this episode. It was wonderful to have these seasoned collectors enrich our discussion. Along with talking about their top purchases over the last 6 months the lads discuss the state of the vintage collecting market in 2024, including tales of how the most recent Echo Live and Farthest From events worked out for everyone.
Dan gives his analysis of Star Wars Tracker provided loose figure prices over the years and discovers some interesting climbers and fallers. Can you guess what they are?
In addition to the hosting team of 5, the lads are also joined by 5 guests, first of all Clint Garniss and Mike Freeman join Jez to talk all about their exciting ‘May the North be with You’ Canadian collecting convention, which sounds absolutely brilliant. Jared Cope, creator and owner of the much talked about Star Wars Tracker pops in to explain all about this fantastic platform which is so much more than just a brilliant price guide. Finally, Nick and Olly Dykes drop on by to talk all about their exciting new venture ‘Oberon Auctions’ which has its first vintage toy collecting auction this week with some outstanding pieces including carded Power of the Force Yak Face and Anakin, plus a sweet 30 back Palitoy Luke X Wing. For their first auction they have some absolutely awesome examples.
Thanks to everyone for the prompts to get another one out! We all hugely appreciate the support and encouragement. This has been our first ‘round table collecting show’ since Craig Spivey passed away. Master Luke Skywalker was right though, no one is ever truly gone….

Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Sunday Jun 09, 2024
This episode features our interview with Barry Gingell.
Barry worked as a Graphic Designer on both seasons of Andor, he also appeared on screen in the series as rebel Anto Kreegyr. He is a massive Star Wars fan and provides an enthusiastic insight into the series, sharing details of his involvement and many of the hidden Easter eggs.
This was recorded in front of a live audience at the Farthest From Xmas Dinner on Saturday 9th December 2023, when Barry joined Jez on stage as part of the Generation Skywalker take over of the event.
This show is also available on our YouTube channel, with the video recorded of the interview.
Enjoy the Show!
We Are Generation Skywalker!

Saturday May 18, 2024
Saturday May 18, 2024
Saturday May 18, 2024
Welcome to the third instalment in our trilogy of Those Old Fossils Specials, in which we celebrate Palitoy and the Star Wars products they released between 1983 and 1985.
Dan returns! Pete returns ! And guest hosts Jon Aves and Dave Tree return! As we continue to move through the eighties and into the era of The Return of the Jedi. Dave opens with an overview of what was happening behind the scenes at Palitoy in 1983, then gives us a breakdown of Palitoy’s mail away offers that year. Then the team works their way through the Star Wars toys Palitoy released during that period. Pete takes us through the vehicles, creature and play-sets and Jon takes us through the figures and the various card backs.
Dave sets the record straight with the story of the sheet of uncut Trilogo cards he uncovered. And no, they weren’t use to wrap meat!!!
As well as the items Palitoy released, we also look at the Kenner toys that didn’t make it to the U.K. and finish by discussing the end of the Palitoy brand in 1985.
Along the way the hosts all share memories of the toys from their childhood and as adult collectors.
Enjoy the show.
We Are Generation Skywalker!

Friday May 03, 2024
Friday May 03, 2024
Friday May 03, 2024
2024 marks 25 years since the release of The Phantom Menace.
Just in time for May the 4th, Generation Skywalker delivers its commentary episode for this land mark movie, described by Stuart as 'the greatest movie ever made'!
So tee up Disney+ or your DVD player, or even your VHS with Episode One, and join Stuart, Dan and Jez, as they take a walk down memory lane for an irreverent deep dive into the first part of the Prequel Trilogy.

Friday Apr 26, 2024
Friday Apr 26, 2024
Friday Apr 26, 2024
Earlier this year, Craig Spivey, our dear friend and fellow Generation Skywalker host sadly passed away. Peter, Jez, Stuart and Dan are joined by our old friend Mark Daniels, in a show dedicated to celebrating Craig.
The team share personal memories of Craig, discussing Craig's Star Wars fandom along the way and the many adventures it led him on. The team cover how Craig has influenced their own collections, as well as the wider collecting community, and talk the body of work Craig created with Generation Skywalker and the legacy of content he has left for us to continue to enjoy.

Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
The best thing that ever happened, is about to happen again!
Welcome to the second in our trilogy of Those Old Fossils specials, where we celebrate Palitoy and the Star Wars products they released between 1980 and 1982.
Dan is back! Pete is back! Craig is back! And guest hosts Jon Aves and Dave Tree are back! As we move into the early eighties and the era of The Empire Strikes Back.
Dave opens, with an overview of what was happening behind the scenes at Palitoy in 1980, then gives us an breakdown of Palitoy’s Boba Fett mail away offer, as well as an insight into the psychology used by toy makers with these kinds of offers.
Then the team works their way through the Star Wars toys Palitoy released between 80 and 82. Jon discusses the trials and tribulations of collecting 30, 41 and 45 backs, and Dave shares his passion for Palitoy’s Bounty Hunter Offer.
Craig drops in again to tell us about the Palitoy items that went beyond the toys and covers the advertising and point-of-sale materials the company continued to deploy to sell us those wonderful toys.
As well as the items Palitoy released, we also cover the Kenner toys that didn’t make it to the U.K. Along the way the hosts all share memories of the toys from their youth and as adult collectors.
It’s wall to wall Palitoy talk, and we would be honoured if you would join us.

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Join Dan, Jez and Craig for a re-watch and in-depth spoiler-filled review of all eight episodes of Ahsoka.
So much more than just a 'live action Rebels season 5', we explore the back story, the characters, this season's arc and all of the implications for Star Wars going forward.
Cross referencing Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB ratings with our own social media polls, gives episode some wider context, even if the team doesn't agree on every single detail.
It was a thrill to see some of these characters brought to live action for the first time, but who were the hits and misses?
Which scenes sizzled?
What left us colder than a Dathomiri witch's reanimated body part?
And which other long-running franchise did the art direction put Craig in mind of?
Listen along and let us know your thoughts.

Saturday Nov 25, 2023
Saturday Nov 25, 2023
Saturday Nov 25, 2023
Join Jez for this very special episode of Those Old Fossils (Vintage Star Wars Collecting), as he interviews Gaz Bond and Tony Kai from the Darkside Alliance – one of the most successful Facebook pages dedicated to selling vintage Star Wars toys and figures.
Jez quizzes Gaz and Tony on how the Darkside Alliance came to be and how they constantly seem to source a never ending supply of vintage goodness, so if you ever wondered how to set up and run a hugely successful selling page this is the episode for you! Gaz and Tony spill the beans in a very open and insightful way.
Never underestimate the power of the Darkside!

Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Welcome to the first of a planned trilogy of Those Old Fossils specials, where we celebrate Palitoy and the Star Wars products they released in 1978 and 1979.
Join Dan and Pete, along with guest hosts Jon Aves and Dave Tree as we step back in time to the late 1970’s, for a Death Star-sized slice of nostalgia, UK style. Dave sets the scene and helps us understand the landscape of the UK toy industry in 1977 and provides context to the lengths Palitoy had to go to, to convince retailers to stock their Star Wars line ahead of the movies December release.
Then the team work their way through the Star Wars toys Palitoy released in 78 and 79 and explore changes made to a number of the items for the UK. market. They gush over the Palitoy Death Star and try to find answers for long standing mysteries around some aspects of the range from those initial years.
As well as the items Palitoy did release, we also cover the Kenner items that didn’t make to the great British shores during those years. Craig also drops in to tell us all about the early Palitoy items that went beyond the toys and covers the advertising and point-of-sale materials the company deployed to sell us those wonderful toys. Along the way they share memories of the toys from their youth and as adult collectors.
It’s a Palitoy extravaganza we hope you can join us for.

Friday Oct 20, 2023
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Friday Oct 20, 2023
What happens when four vintage art fans decide to pool their resources to bid for 29 pieces of original Star Wars artwork in a high profile auction?
Craig and Kimberley are joined by Will and Robin Arnold – not only to discuss Propstore, art collector William Plumb and artist Ken Barr – but to sit and review each piece ‘in person’ for the first time.
These hand drawn originals, including characters, vehicles and scenarios from the first three movies, were created to illustrate Random House’s 1984 'Star Wars Word Puzzles' book, and make for a quirky, yet stunning spread of images.
If you think some of these big auction lots are out of your reach, this story might make you think again.
(This podcast is also available as an image-rich video here.)

Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
This Christmas, Farthest From is all set to be the best yet.
Why? Well, give this a listen and get the lowdown from Mr All The Cool Stuff himself, Dave Tree.
As one of the longest-standing Star Wars shows in the UK, it's only fitting that events like this take a lightspeed jump every once in a while, and what better time to introduce some exciting new features than the festive season? So, as well as the usual Family Fun Day on the Saturday and the Retro Toy Show on the Sunday, Dave is cramming a lot more in the whole weekend.
But it's the Christmas Extravanza that's set to pop off with a two-course meal with all the seasonal trimmings, special Star Wars beer from Rebellion Beer Co. on tap, free gifts, entertainment throughout and your chance to meet the very special guest of the event – Pablo Hidalgo – Lucasfilm Author and Star Wars Lore Advisor who will be on hand to sign his new book, Dawn of the Rebellion – A Visual Guide.
The Saturday night will also feature room sales for the first time – an opportunity for anyone attending to set up stall upstairs at the venue. And who knows what treasure that might shake loose?
All this, plus more dealers, live tattooing, a local accommodation partner with plenty of space and transport...
Generation Skywalker will be there with bells on.
The event takes place on 9th–10th December in Fordingbridge, Hampshire. Find out more and book your tickets here.

Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
As part of our series of shows looking at Return of the Jedi, the committee has reconvened to decide the top 10 tie-in toys from the early 80s.
So, join Stu, Jez, Craig, Pete and respected toy expert and commentator Dave Tree for the rundown, as we cover all the classics, alongside a few more unusual items.
Will Chewbacca’s Bandolier make the list? Will the Huffy Speeder Bike take the lead? Let us know what we missed!
Listen to the full debate here, then check out the Top 10 video on YouTube.

Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Get ready for Ahsoka and join the full Generation Skywalker crew for a run down of all the Star Wars exclusives and and announcements from San Diego Comic Con – including a closer look at the new Haslab Ghost crowdfunder, the latest from The Vintage Collection, Black Series and and Retro collections.
We explore the new Geeki Tikis x Shag collaboration, look at fresh Lego sets, discuss the new Artisan Edition Anakin Hot Toy and take a peak at the latest releases from Gentle Giant, Iron Studios and Jazzwares.
And you can find out what Jez thinks to his first ever Hot Toy as he unboxes his Bespin Luke live on the show!

Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
When is it OK to talk all the way though a movie? When it's one of Generation Skywalker's occasional series of commentary shows.
40 years ago we were all enjoying the 'Summer of Jedi', so now's the perfect time to join Dan, Jez, Craig and Pete as they sit and re-watch the film and share their recollections, reactions and behind the scenes trivia in real time.
Where were you in '83? Did the Emperor creep you out? What did you expect to see under Vader's mask? Did you find the Ewoks adorable or annoying?
Listen along or watch the video version of this show over on our YouTube channel.

Monday Jun 26, 2023
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Monday Jun 26, 2023
'Chewie, we’re home.’
As trailer moments go, it was a moment that got everyone 'in the feels'. But what else did the sequel trailers get right?
And what did they get wrong?
It's almost 10 years since the first teaser dropped for The Force Awakens, and it's getting on for 2 years since our last Retracing Trailers show. Now, the team are back to cast a critical eye and reminisce about when they saw some of these for the first time.
So, join Jez, Craig, Dan and Pete for some hot takes in a deep dive that covers teasers, international trailers and TV spots, and leaves no stone unlevitated.

Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
What happens when a popular toy line starts to wane? In this episode we are joined by two collectors with a keen interest in the unique ways vintage figures were packaged for the clearance aisles. Gary Smith (almost certainly owner of the best Palitoy Star Wars collection in the world) joins Jez to discuss his collection of miscards and how these were 'intentional mistakes' to get rid of old stock. And Thorsten Greth pops in to discuss German Power of the Force three-packs and the recent addition of an amazing wild find to his collection.
Jez also takes a closer look at one of the forums that really helped to build the community prior to the Facebook takeover. Will other social platforms ultimately spell the end of the line for Star Wars Forum UK? We don’t think so.
In other news, Dan is on hand to highlight key lots from some recent big hitting auctions, the team go over the Vintage Figure of the Year poll, and Craig reports on his special access visit to UK Graders and his experience filming with the Leicester Vintage & Old Toyshop Toys crew.